Dňa 9. 11. 2022 o 16:30 (stredueuropského času) sa na Univerzite Vytautasa Veľkého, Kaunas, Litva, bude konať prednáška nášho doktoranda Mgr. Stanislava Gubančoka z Katedry etnológie a mimoeurópskych štúdií s názvom: "Moré and Morena, Slovak and Lithuanian straw effigy rituals in comparative perspective".
Prednáška sa bude konať v hybridnej forme a link nájdete čoskoro na tomto odkaze!
Meeting ID: 376 161 997 593
Passcode: Z6YAmC
Lecture: Morė and Morena, Slovak and Lithuanian straw effigy rituals in comparative perspective
Author: Mgr. Stanislav Gubančok, visiting PhD. candidate from University of saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Department of Ethnology and non-European studies
Although there is yet no close relationship between Slovakia and Lithuania in cultural, historical, and ethnological research, doctoral thesis of Stanislav Gubančok is aimed to comparative perspective of Baltic and Slavic mythology. Part of his dissertation is dedicated to annual custom, which is connected with "carrying away of death and winter“ as well as spring welcoming. In Lithuania this ritual is practiced during time of Shrovetide called Užgavėnės, however in Slovakia it is a separated custom, which is not the part of Shrovetide. Lecture will aim on main features of straw effigy phenomena and structure of ritual, with possibility to read it as layers of Ind-European roots, influence of Christian saints and representation of folk’s worldview in ethnolinguistic context.